Monday, January 30, 2012
Classic freak out
I was working this saturday at the Gold Room, my grandma Bear's bar and grill, and a man walked in and sat down near the door. He had on a leather jacket, a pair of dark jeans, I didn't pay attention to his shoes, and he ploped his wallet on the counter, all big and bad. Then he started speaking spanish. I got so confused trying to keep up with his order. Then when I said the classic No hoblo espanol! He spoke english. I need to reveiw my resturaunt vocab again!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
going out to eat with the family
One day my family and I went shopping. When we were done we went out to eat at texas road house. When we were waiting to go to our table I was standing right across people that were speaking spanish. It was kinda hard to here them because it was so loud but I caught some of the words that they said. So when we got sat down at our table I told my parents what I heard and they were amazed that I could tranzlate some of the words that people were saying
Thursday, January 26, 2012
So awhile back I was in Wal-Mart with my mom and we were checking out. She saw some guys from her work who just so happened to be Mexican. One was an older one named Martin and a younger one in his 20s named Louis. So anyways I got tired of waiting to check out so I went to the car. The next day mom said that Louis asked how old I was, etc... Evidently he kept calling my brother (who also works with him) cuñado. My brother of course had no idea what it meant so he asked one of the other Mexicans what it meant. Turns out it means brother-in-law and that Louis has a crush on me. And still, he calls Ashton cuñado.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The other day me and my girlfriend were starving, we both just got off of work, we were hungary so we made a call to find out what this mexican food was made out of because she used to eat it all the time but she could not think of what it was called so she made a call and this mexican meet called tereso that you put in taco shells with cheese, peppers, and salsa turned out top be very very good. Tereso is pretty much hamburger with a lot of spices and things added to it to make it a hot mexican treat. So I am telling you all that you should go to fairway and grab a pund of tereso and salsa and some hot pepers and throw it all in a pan, cook it and then enjoy!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Can't Stop Talking :)

It's been a long boring day sitting home alone on this snow day. Mom and dad finally get home and I automatically start talking in Spanish. Ever since they got home, I have been talking in Spanish. So as I sit here typing this blog, I am singing to myself, along with my parents, "Tu Eres Mi Cancion." They look at me with their worried eyes and probably ask themselves why. The fact that i have the love for Spanish, worries them too. I'm sure they wonder how I am theirs most days. :)

So our phone rings the other night and it says it is a toll free caller so I answer it..
me: hola. [long pause]
lady: hello, uhh is jesse wooten there?
me: no sé.
lady: do you speak english?
me: no.
lady: okay i will have someone else call back later.
Moral of the story I was really waiting for someone to call because I had all these things I wanted to say in Spanish. No one ever called with really depressed me, but I guess I got over it. :)

Marlaina and I were waiting outside to go to a movie and with our luck the movie got sold out so we had to think of something else to do. So we went out to Las Flores. I was kinda dissapointed that I couldn't go to the movie. But I was okay with Mexican. The waiter came over and asked for our order in English and I felt really smart that day so I told him I was going to order in Spanish. He smiled at me and said okay. So I said "Querro nachos de carne" and he said "muy bien" So then the rest of the night he spoke entirely in Spanish! Ohh boy! The were some words and phrases I didn't know. So I just looked at him and gave him the smile that said I have no idea what you are talking about, and then he tried to explain it too me. We were pretty proud of ourselfs. We had a good time and I can't wait to go back.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Mexican Border
As I said I was in the last two blogs I was in Texas.... And my family went with my grandpa and his girlfriend to the border. Right when you got there you had to go through security. Then you parked and paid to go over to Mexico. You could only go over to Mexico if you had a passport or an ID on you. My dad and megan had their passports and Drew had his license. I didn't bring mine that day becasue I thought... What would I do with my license in Texas! Yeah I know real smart! But They went over and came back and the rest of us stood by the shore and watched. Almost all of the guys on the boat spoke spanish and pretty much everybody that crossed.
Then after that we went to "Ropa" which was a clothing store. There is so much clothes there they put the clothes in piles on the floor and tables. And then they bale them up like when farmers bale hay. Then they take the bales of clothes and load them in a truck with a skidloader. All of the people in there spoke Spanish. I was the first one to walk in and a lady came up to me and was asking all of these questions and I had no idea what she was saying! So with my spanish skills I said. " no hablo Espanol." then shortly realized that I spoke to her in spanish but I said I didn't talk spanish. So the I said, "Hablo espanol pequeno" And she walked away.
When we were in Texas, my grandpa took us to a cattle farm. They had about 23,000 head of cattle. It was really cool to see. The men that take care of the farm are cowboys. They ride around on horses and do chorse. Well when we got there, 4 guys (cowboys) came riding up on their horses and my dad rolled down the window and said "hola!"... If you don't know my dad, he plays jokes and jokes around A LOT! So I think he was trying to sound smart and in return one of the cowboys said "HI!" And then looked at my dad like he was crazy. It was one of the funniest moments of the trip.
As most of you know I went to Texas over Christmas break. My grandpa lives down there and he was having surgery so we decided to visit. I don't think I have ever seen or heard that much spanish at one time! People are constantly talking in Spanish. And they talk so fast that it is very hard to even hear what they are saying. The first day I had a headache because I just wasn't used to it! Well I don't know if the headache was from the Spanish or the 22 hour car drive sitting in between your two younger sisters! Either way it was a lot of spanish. Alomost everything was in English and Spanish. My Grandpa lived in Mission, Texas which is further down in Texas so the spanish was heavier. With going through one and a half years of spanish I felt pretty confident in knowing Spanish until I realized that when people talked I could only pick up little things like "and, eat, drink, and walk" But now I realize that Senorita was right and there is sooo much more spanish to learn.
Las Flores Con Mi Madre Y Hermano(:

So on Christmas Break I went out with my mom and brother to go furniture shopping since Ashton was moving. After we were all done shopping we decided to go out to eat at Las Flores. The chips and salsa were good and we waited for our food. I ordered chicken fajitas which were amazing. And then my mom decided to order dessert. Since she doesn't like fried ice cream or flan, we ordered sopapillas. I suggested we get it with ice cream since everything tastes better with ice cream. The sopapillas came out looking like a pie crust covered in cinnamon and sugar with butter and carmel on top. Needless to say, the dessert was amazing and I really enjoyed it. Sopapillas are definitely up there with fried ice cream as one of my favorite desserts now. Going out to eat for Mexican is for sure my favorite thing to do, I love trying all the new food and dessert and I love the atmosphere of the restaurants.
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