Wednesday, October 5, 2011

spanish in the car xD

last night I was watching a movie with my girl friend and it go boring so we went for a drive and we were listening to the radio and all of the sudden the radio went from english to spanish and we both started laughing because we had no idea what was going on so then we changed the radio station and the next station was spanish too, I then asked her if she bumped a button or something to make it all in spanish, she said no, it was wierd that the radio just switched from english to spanish randomly like it did but it was kinda fun listening to that spanish stuff outside of school so then i sat there listening to it trying to see how many of these spanish words I new. I just thought that was cool that the radio changed to spanish and me and my girl friend both noticed it and it was kind of cool even though we could not really understand the spanish music all that well when we have only taken a couple years of spanish.

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